It was time for us to leave Isles behind for this trip. We had to board a bus to the airport around 5am. We changed some money at one of the relatively expensive places in the airport, and enjoyed a short and easy flight to the Torp airport in Norway. At the airport, we saw the duty-free shop (selling mostly alcohol) but the lines were too long and we didn't really need anything that badly. We ate something that resembled a hot dog at the airport before continuing our journey.
From Torp, we caught a bus to a train station that was little more than a few benches by the tracks, and boarded the train which took us into the town of Drammen. We had picked Drammen because we were able to stay with another friend of mine from Anarchy Online, which helped us with the otherwise unbearable cost of living in Norway. My friend was still at work, which left us wandering in Drammen with our luggage for a few hours until he got off.

We crossed a bridge into Drammen's shopping district, found a few malls and a few bookstores. I bought a Rubik's Cube (I knew my old one was wrecked and I needed something to keep myself busy), which I paid the standard obscenely high price for. Natasha found yet another bookstore while I waited outside, trying to remember how to solve the cube.

My friend finally got off work and met us back near the bridge. We dropped our stuff off at his apartment and then we ate some lunch at Subway (which is exactly as it is back home, as far as I could tell). He then took us grocery shopping, where we bought some fascinating Norwegian products such as Trollbrus (a sugary strawberry soda-like drink) and some chocolate with a very high milk content which my friend had introduced us to when he visited Seattle a few months earlier.

Video game nerds may be interested in this item, a replica of Cloud's sword from FFVII, which my friend imported from Canada:

Back at his apartment, we Skyped his girlfriend back in Vancouver, BC, and ordered a pizza for dinner. A local pizza place calls their sausage and pepperoni "Stars and Stripes." Over pizza, I had a chance to read their version of Calvin and Hobbes, dubbed "Tommy og Tigern":

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