Today we were set to see Romeo & Juliet at the Globe Theatre. Knowing we had to stand in the cheap seats throughout the entire production, we decided to take it easy most of the day. We visited a few bookstores in the shopping district, one of which was the largest in the UK (called Waterstone's). We might have actually bought something if they carried used books (which I have sworn to buy exclusively whenever possible). We then went to the post office to ship some of our excess baggage back to ourselves - mostly guidebooks and souvenirs. This cost a fortune, as you might expect. After everything we've done on our trip, this little bit was enough to exhaust us, so we went back to the hotel for a midday nap.
We got to the Globe Theatre just in time. The actors and actresses were amazing - this night was the debut for the girl playing Juliet! She messed up one line but did a fantastic job otherwise (so far as I know, as I am not a theater critic). We stood through the intermission, which happened very late in the play, after Romeo's banishment and the beginning of their plan to reunite him with Juliet. Our bodies could not take the punishment of standing in place in the cold for any longer, so we left the play early.

I had a headache when we got back to the hotel, so we went to the drugstore for some pain medication. I was able to buy 100 ibuprofens for 0.35£!!! That's like 50 cents or so! Some things about Europe are just so much better than they are in the US.
Tired and hurting, we opted for a little comfort food at McDonalds, even though we had already gotten our once-per-country visit out of the way. We ordered a sandwich called the "M," which was basically a beef burger with a hard bread bun. It tasted OK, just a little bland because of a lack of condiments.

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