Wednesday, May 27, 2009

4-29-09 Oslo to Frankfurt

We bid goodbye to fair Norway today. My Norwegian friend had given us a 50 NOK bill when he visited us in Seattle, so we returned the favor by leaving him a US dollar (which is only $1 compared to about $7 that 50 NOK is worth, but we did our best). Most of the day was spent in uneventful travel - a walk to the train station in Drammen, then a train to the Torp airport, an easy flight to Frankfurt, a long bus ride to the Frankfurt train station, and then a short train ride to the hotel.

One thing about the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof is that they have a really large store that sells nothing but magazines - but magazines in dozens of languages and on every subject imaginable. As is common in Europe, the pornographic magazines are on full display and well within the grasp of anyone who might want them.

We found to our surprise that our hotel is right on the edge of Frankfurt's red light district! In fact, there was a strip club and sex shop right next door. This didn't affect our stay at all, because Frankfurt's sex industry is legal and tightly regulated, and therefore doesn't make for the same seedy and crime-ridden environment you might find elsewhere.

Our Frankfurt hostel room had a private shower and free wifi. Whatever else a room has, those two things make it a king's mansion compared to some of the places we've stayed in. They even have paper towels (something I hadn't seen in many weeks)!!!

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